
How to lock text in word
How to lock text in word

If you want to allow comments or filling in forms, you can select the appropriate option from the menu.

how to lock text in word

See that No changes (Read only) is selected. Once you’ve ticked the checkbox, the drop-down menu underneath becomes active.Under Editing restrictions, tick the checkbox beside “ Allow only this type of editing in the document”. A Restrict Editing pane opens on the right side of the document.Click on the REVIEW tab and then click on Restrict Editing.Open the Word document you want to protect.Follow these easy steps to restrict editing: You also have the option to allow all or specific users to edit selected parts of the document. The other parts of the document, however, can be edited freely. When you protect text in a Word document, users view it as read-only. How to Protect Specific Content in a Word Document? Keep reading to discover how to lock certain parts of a Word document.

how to lock text in word

This feature has been present in Office Word 2007, 2010, 2013, and 2016. This is particularly useful when working on a piece with your colleagues. In Microsoft Word, there is a feature you can use to protect parts of a document you wouldn’t want other users to make changes to.

How to lock text in word