Winter Fury: The Longest Road has average visuals and its minimum requirements include an i7-4790K, 8GB RAM, and a GTX 970 or RX 290. An i7-8700K overclocked to 4.8GHz on a EVGA Z370 MB using T-FORCE DDR4 3866MHz on Windows 10 with everything up to date completes the test PC and we used FCAT-VR to measure and chart performance. The benchmarking PC used a RTX 2070S to power a Vive Pro (1440×1600 per eye) which represents the more demanding HMDs including the Valve Index, and with an Oculus Rift CV-1 (1080×1200 per eye) to represent the first generation of HMDs including the original Vive. Winter Fury: The Longest Road is available from Steam as a SteamVR game that is playable on multiple HMDs. It was difficult transitioning from MechWarrior 5, a mostly strategy-based mech fighting pancake sim with a bad tendency to having an arcade feel, to a tank fighting VR game that deliberately aims for an arcade feeling of intense World War II Nazi-shooting fun.

Winter Fury: The Longest Road VR Tank Game Wave Shooter Review & Performance GuideīTR received a reviewer’s key from SpiderMonk Entertainment‘s PR just before the launch of Winter Fury: The Longest Road out of Steam Early Access on December 18.